Podcast Database Startup Podchaser Raises $4M

Podchaser, the “IMDb for podcasts,” announced $4M in funding with participation from High Alpha.

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High Alpha

OKLAHOMA CITY — Podchaser, the “IMDb for podcasts,” announced $4M in funding led by Greycroft, with additional investors including Advancit Capital, LightShed Ventures, Powerhouse Capital, High Alpha, Hyde Park Venture Partners, and Poplar Ventures. Participating angels include founder and former President of TrendKite A.J. Bruno, CEO of Ad Results Media Marshall Williams, and partner of Shamrock Capital Mike LaSalle.

This funding will continue to support Podchaser’s mission of enriching podcast data via the crowd, creating community for podcast listeners, and building tools for professionals in the space — podcasters, agencies, and brands alike.

“Our goal is to convert the firehose of podcast data into a drinking fountain of insights that power discovery and decision-making throughout the industry,” said Bradley Davis, CEO of Podchaser.

“Even in the face of a pandemic, the podcast market continues to grow at a breakneck pace. The demand from consumers and brands is insatiable,” said Alan Patricof, Co-Founder and Chairman of Greycroft. “Podchaser’s data and discovery tools are crucial to taking podcasting to new heights.”

Building a Thriving Community

Through crowdsourcing features such as credits, lists, and ratings/reviews, Podchaser has built the most comprehensive podcast database and a community of avid podcast listeners and podcasters that continues to grow — tripling in size over the past year and contributing over 8.5 million creator and guest credits.

With this new funding, Podchaser aims to create a new class of podcast tastemakers with the introduction of a gamification and discussion system that fosters connection between listeners and podcasters.

Empowering Professionals with Data Solutions

In October of 2020, Podchaser launched Podchaser Pro, a professional service that unlocks reach, demographics, and contact information for over 1.8 million podcasts. This serves as a one-stop shop for data needs within the industry on the Podchaser platform and via API.

“By bridging the gap between discovery and much-needed show/program level data, Podchaser is uniquely positioned to push the podcast industry forward,” said Marshall Williams, CEO of Ad Results Media. “These insights provide tremendous value to both advertisers and publishers and also the podcast consumer as it allows perhaps the best search and discovery tool in today’s podcast ecosystem.”

Powering Discovery Across Podcasting

Expanding upon its industry-leading database, Podchaser is creating a standard data set for podcasting through cross-platform offerings with key industry partners and organized initiatives like the recently published Podcast Taxonomy — an international, multidisciplinary collaborative standard for recognizing roles and credits in podcast production.

“The breadth and quality of podcast content being created is astounding, but an industry standard taxonomy and discovery mechanism has been missing,” said Richard Greenfield, General Partner at LightShed Ventures.  “Podchaser’s category leading discovery engine deftly marries tech solutions with human insights to solve these challenges.” 

About Podchaser

Podchaser is the world’s most comprehensive podcast database — collecting, enriching, and distributing podcast insights to power discovery for listeners, podcasters, and brands. 

Learn more at https://www.podchaser.com

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